Wednesday, June 17, 2009

sebelum keyboard berbicara

"In the name of Allah The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful_"
selawat and salam to Rasulullah saw and family and sahabats...

Thanks to Allah for giving me an opportunity to write up this blog for the 2nd time.. the 1st one, already burned..mybe im not ready yet... Alhamdulillah..i started to write, to share and to make people and myself understand the right things in islam..inshaAllah..hope soo...

sebelum tinta mula berbicara..salam kemaafan kiranya penulisan penulis mencoretkan sesuatu yg menyakitkan.."berkatalah benar meskipun pahit"...

assalamualaikum wbt. dan selamat menghayati...
may Allah help and guide us all towards the right path



Qudwah Seorang Kader Dakwah

Dedicated to kekanda burians ku sayang fillah ^^